Wednesday, February 27, 2013

La Grotte Demoiselles

On Sunday we went on a little adventure on our way home from Mont-Pellier where we said aurevoir to Manda and dad. We went to the mountains and got to go inside a huuuuge cave! We took about an hour walk through the cave and saw lots of really sweet looking rocks. (Notice the bottom picture looks like the virgin Mary holding baby Jesus!) There were no carvings or anything in this cave it was all God made. It was a wee bit scary walking on little ledges right next to 40 m drop offs!


  1. Very cool! I seriously thought that was a sculpture when I first glanced at the second photo.

    Have you met any friends yet?

    1. Connor and mom have made friends..I'm struggling to find humans over the age of 10 and under the age 0f 40...haha

  2. It looks like something out of National Treasure!! SO cool!!
