Thursday, April 25, 2013

Every Day Life in Aumes

Connor's beautiful little school . 60 children total.
At the beach in Meze. 10 minutes up the road from our village.

Connor playing in the water at Meze with Charlie and George.

                                                   Looking across the water at Sete.                              
Soo - we decided to go there. :)

Every Sunday morning before Mass Connor gets out of bed early and goes on his own to pick up our bread. Makes my day every time! (Don't worry Grandma and Nana - the epicerie is just around the corner.)

Some of the village children over for a swim. (From L to R: Enzu, Reesam, Muhammed, Ephisione,Kaya)

Beth and Connor in for a late-night swim after one of our many fun tennis matches. P.S. the pools here are NOT heated!

Beth heading in (with me) for her first wine-tasting. yipes! When in Rome...

Connor having a blast with his friends at Europark.

Beth entertaining our friends at dinner. :)

Our town square.

A lovely little  corner.

One of our streets. Yes - I do manage to get the car through these!

Where Connor spends every spare moment. The soccer pitch with his buddies.

This is the view from Connor's classroom windows!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

More pics of our little village

Some of you have been asking to see where we live. So here are some more pics to give you an idea of what it is like. Thanks for caring!

Every Sunday morning Connor goes off on his own to pick up our bread (just around the corner from our house).

Connor frolicking in the Mediterranean with some friends. (Okay some of these pics are out of order. I'm not a computer whiz. Bear with me!)

Some of the village children over for a swim on a hot, hot day. (L to R: Enzo, Rissam, Mohammed, Effision, Kaya)

Beth and Connor going in for a midnight swim. It's a slow descent as the water is not heated. No one heats their pools here!)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Life in our little village

Here are some pics of daily life dans notre petite village...

Our daily trips for fresh produce in the neighbouring town.

Flowers from the yard.

Friday night is crepe night. yummmm

 Beth hanging laundry on the line. :)
 Beth lifeguarding some of the neighbourhood children. They LOVE to come for a swim and are here almost every day. Such fun.

 Connor home for lunch and reading letters sent by every single one of his classmates. Thanks guys!!

Our visit to the local candy factory - a family business. Le Fabrique des Berlingots. Connor was awestruck.

Beth getting her ears pierced. That is her French friend LÉa beside her. She chose Winnie the Pooh earrings. Ha ha

 One of our days at St. Guilhem Le Desert:

Our nearest beach. Mareseillan Plage. Lovely!

Mom`s friends, Louise and Brid.

Taking matters into our own hands and turning a frown upside down...:) Long story.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

La Grande Motte

Last week we spent three days on the Mediterranean beach at La Grande Motte. It was so beautiful - and how lucky we are to be here at such a quiet time of year. We had it virtually to ourselves.

Swimming in yet another unheated pool! :)